Nel corso dell’Alibaba Group's Business & IPR protection Summit in programma il 26 novembre sarà possibile scoprire le opportunità dedicate alle aziende italiane interessate ad esportare in Cina e nel mondo attraverso l’ecosistema di Alibaba, inoltre saranno presentati gli innovativi strumenti messi a disposizione da Alibaba per proteggere la proprietà intellettuale dei marchi presenti sulle sue piattaforme.
08.45 Registration
09.45 Welcoming Remarks
Andrea Prencipe - Rector, Luiss University
Michael Evans - President, Alibaba Group
10.15 Keynote: Supporting Italian Business
Alessia Morani, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development
"Making it easy to do business anywhere"
10.30 Alibaba’s Economy
Rodrigo Cipriani Foresio - General Manager, Alibaba Group & Alipay, South Europe
10.40 Tmall - Gateway to China
Christina Fontana - Head of Fashion and Luxury, Tmall Europe
10.50 - B2B Export Worldwide
Lisa Gao - EMEA Marketing & Business Development,
11.00 Alipay
Piero Candela - Senior Business Development Manager, Alipay South Europe
11.10 Panel Session: Exploring Case Histories
Moderator: Manfredi Minutelli - Country Key Accounts, Alibaba Group South Europe. Panelists: Marvis, Olearia Clemente, Crimark
11.30 Made in Italy – ‘Sources’
Michele Costabile - Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Luiss University
11.40 Panel Session: “Make It Even Closer"
Moderator: Manfredi Minutelli, - Panelists: Poste Italiane, Sace Simest, Aeroporti Di Roma
12.00 Awards Ceremony
12.15 Networking Lunch
“Protecting and Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights"
13.30 Keynote: TBA
13.40 Collaboration in IPR Protection
Stefano Vaccari - Head of the Anti-fraud, Italian Ministry of Agriculture
13.55 Fashion Industry’s Perspective
Serena Moretti - General Counsel, Confidustria Moda
14.10 Brand Protection in the Digital World
Claudio Bergonzi - Director General, Indicam
14.25 Alibaba’s IPR Protection Program
Matthew Bassiur - Vice President, Head of Global IP Enforcement, Alibaba Group
15.00 Refreshment Break
15.20 Partnerships for Success
Bob Barchiesi - President, International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC)
15.30 Holding Counterfeiters Criminally Accountable
Major Gianluca Donno - Guardia Di Finanza
15.45 IPR Protection - New & Emerging Digital markets
Professor Gustavo Olivieri - Luiss University
16.00 Panel Session: Q & A
Moderator: Dan Dougherty - Senior Director, Global IP Enforcement, Alibaba Group
Panelists from IACC, Indicam, Confidustria Moda, Guardia di Finanza.
16.25 Closing Remarks
16.30 – 17.00 Supplemental Session, Alibaba’s IP Protection platform and the Market Safe Expansion Program
Stephanie Yu - Manager, Global IP Enforcement, Alibaba & Lara Miller - Vice President, IACC
16.30 – 19.00 Networking / Cocktail Reception
Data e ora
martedì 26 novembre 2019 (ore 9,30 – 17,00)
Presso Università Luiss, Aula Magna Mario Arcelli
Viale Pola, 12, Roma